Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well now. I'm realizing this poor blog has been a victim of neglect for quite some time, so I think I'll remedy the situation.

I'll start the ball rolling by posting concept art from a project I'm working on right now. It's a web comic collaboration with a friend of mine by the name of Conor Mooney, who's the creator/writer of the whole thing. The comic's called Thirdstar, and deals with the slice-of-life adventures of a group of orphans and their caretakers in a sci-fi orphanage setting.

Essentially, the concept revolves around various races/species of aliens, including humans and robots, living together and interacting with one another in a galactic community where new frontiers of space travel are just coming to fruition.

Just as a note, when Conor first pitched the comic idea to me, I wasn't fully aware of how fleshed out his story ideas already were. It was pretty amazing to me how much back story and profile notes he had to provide for these characters, and it really helped to speed the design process that much faster for these guys.

Alright. First up are the orphans. Here we have sketches for a couple of them. I'll provide character names as I post more fleshed out designs.

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